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NiiSoTeWak: Two Bodies, One Heart0

2017|0h 16min|16+


Cree teachings say that identical twins are born with two bodies, but share one heart. Meet Tapwewin and Pawaken, 10-year-old brothers trying to make sense of the world, their family and each other.

NiiSoTeWak means “walking the path together.” Tapwewin and Pawaken are 10-year-old brothers trying to make sense of the world, their family and each other. They’re already grappling with some heady questions about identity. What does it mean to be a twin? What does it mean to be Cree? How do you define yourself when you’re forever linked to someone else? The twins discuss these questions with their two elder brothers — 22-year-old actor Asivak and 20-year-old basketball player Mahiigan — and their parents, Jules and Jake.

LanguageCree, English


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